I’m hosting a webinar for the Pre-Sales Collective on November 17 – and we’ll be holding nothing back. It’s going to be all about the relationship between sales engineers and sales reps. I’m repping the sales side, and let me tell you, the gloves are coming off with this one. Sign up here.
We’ll be getting into everything I’ve talked about here before – how the relationship between SEs and AEs is broken too often, the common problems we’ve seen across companies, and how we can get better at working together. We’re all truly on the same team, after all – how can we start acting like it?
I’ll be talking to some incredible experts from the SaaS industry:
- Audrey Jaspart, senior manager of solutions engineering at Hubspot
- Chris Browne, director of solutions consulting at Dynamic Signal
- Adam Lazzara, director of sales engineering at Sprout Social
We’ll be talking about who owns what, the rules of engagement, measuring success, and conflict resolution. It’s a topic that’s near to my heart, as a scroll through the blog archives will tell you. So come watch us battle it out and have an honest conversation about what’s actually going wrong – and how we can start to make it right.
After all, it doesn’t always have to be a battle, as my favorite SE/AE pair study shows. So how can we all create a relationship like that?
Want to contribute your problems or ideas to inform this webinar? Fill out the survey here! You already know I have lots to say on this topic, and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts and experiences so we can cover those too.
This is just the first webinar I’ll be hosting in a series with the awesome team at PreSales Collective. Check out their community of thousands of members sharing their knowledge and best practices on Slack, facilitating networking and meeting and conversations like these.
Don’t forget to register for the event today – it’s going to fill up fast!
Photo by Payam Tahery on Unsplash