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Connecting With Your ICP Through Podcasting with Jenn Steele


Recently, Jenn Steele – our VP of Marketing at Reprise – was a guest on the Engage Your Tribe podcast hosted by Jeremy Shere, founder and CEO of Tribal Knowledge Podcasting. They chatted about how we’ve used our podcasts at Reprise to connect with our prospects. Here are my favorite takeaways from their conversation. 

About Reprise 

One of the more exciting challenges about marketing and selling our product at Reprise is that we have two pretty different sets of end users, which means our approach needs to be targeted to a few groups. One is marketers, and there’s a lot of noise around product-led growth in that space. It makes it trickier to cut through and get heard. 

On the other side of our audience is sales. That can mean individual AEs at smaller companies using our product, or sales engineering teams at enterprise companies. Our challenge on this side is that there are so few products out there for sales engineers that they tend to be unaware that a product like Reprise can even exist. 

The big challenge we face on one side is cutting through the noise, and on the other side it’s making more noise about what we do. And on both sides, it’s hard because Reprise doesn’t fit neatly into an existing category. There’s no other demo platform like us out there, or even a phrase for what exactly we do because it hasn’t been done until recently. 

Reprise Podcasts 

We have two podcasts here at Reprise: the Demo Diaries, which is focused more on sales, and the Product-Led Revenue Show, which is aimed more at the marketing side. 

Our podcasts are one of the ways we’ve worked to overcome those marketing challenges. Demo Diaries has been running the longest because Reprise started out with more salespeople than marketers – pretty typical for a start-up. 

We used it to bring on guests who had a connection to deals we hoped would close – it was partly a lead-generation tool, and it almost became like account-based marketing. The beautiful thing about selling to sales and marketing people is that we do like to talk, so it’s easy to get us to come on a podcast. 

We also used Demo Diaries to get reach from people who are well-known in their segment, because they’d share the episode with their networks. And of course, we use it to make our customers look good because that’s a win for everyone. 

Our Product–Led Revenue Show is more for the marketing persona, focused on highlighting the top marketers, revenue, and product leaders in the tech space. They share best practices around product-led growth, which is always an interesting discussion from a marketing perspective. 

Engaging Your Audiences

Figuring out how to engage your audience when you’re building a community sounds difficult – but Jenn says it can be very simple. The people in your community will actually tell you what they want. They’ll complain about what they hate, they’ll share and retweet what they like, and they’ll answer you if you ask them directly what they’re looking for. 

The key is to listen more than you talk – a lot of your competitors won’t be listening, so you’ll have the advantage there. And if listening like this isn’t one of your strengths, that’s ok – you just need to hire someone who is great at that. That’s what a community builder should be doing. 

Listen to the full episode here! 


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